Dean Russell

This quote fue agregado por ibcnunabit
Few of us seem to want to keep government out of our personal affairs and responsibilities. Many of us seem to favor various types of government guaranteed and compulsory "security." We say that we want personal freedom, but we demand government housing, government price controls, government-guaranteed jobs and wages. We boast that we are responsible persons, but we vote for candidates who promise us special privileges, government pensions, government subsidies, and government electricity.

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malevolarky 11 años, 5 meses atrás
You know, we don't all live in the country. If you are going to live in the same place as a bunch of other people, you will need public services.
allanw5 12 años atrás
This quote = truth smh
bitemac 12 años, 2 meses atrás
it's a great piece.

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