How High We Go In The Dark - Sequoia Nagamatsu

This quote fue agregado por user76984
After school she'd study the news, comb the internet for disasters, wars and hate and injustice, write it all down in these color-coded journals. Once, I asked her what she was doing, and she said she was just trying to keep track of it all because it didn't seem like anybody else noticed or cared that we kept making the same mistakes, that hate in a neighbourhood or injustice in a state ran like poison through veins, until another ice shelf collapsed or another animal went extinct.

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gthomas25 2 años, 4 meses atrás
Since Nagamatsu is American, it seems that "neighborhood" should be spelled the American way. I also wonder whether the word "internet" should be capitalized. After all, there is only one Internet.

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