Anyone? - Gina D.

This quote fue agregado por user713307
Is anyone else completely tired of typing the same quotes over and over again? Or is it just me? Can we start giving some sad faces to the ones that repeat constantly? Not because they're bad or anything, I just want to see some new material on this website!

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user871724 155.89 98.1%
user491757 127.65 97.7%
strikeemblem 120.98 93.9%
user381085 115.82 97.7%
breakingscene 112.47 96.3%
feuv 111.43 97.0%
joethestickguy 109.25 95.6%
jacquelinej 107.48 95.9%
spiritowl 107.30 96.6%
sharkster16 105.16 98.9%

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s111 84.92 87.8%
pebn1sss 69.02 91.5%
hexmind 81.75 97.7%