A little bit of meta - Lukáš

This quote fue agregado por fluxtransistor
A lot of quotes on this website are deliberately short to please us lazy typists after a tough day. Well, this one isn't short on purpose. Or is it? You decide.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
user871724 144.19 94.7%
strikeemblem 132.39 99.4%
vmlm 115.00 97.6%
pcapriotti 111.54 99.4%
rivendellis 110.19 95.2%
user381085 108.31 97.0%
simi_ 106.87 99.4%
candiceroyal 106.71 100%
adkjeo1 105.74 98.2%
paronomasia 105.63 97.0%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
geryjs 101.72 98.2%
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user107597 36.26 95.2%
shyhamhalder 88.12 93.6%
user871724 144.19 94.7%
user105008 68.84 94.7%