Frustrating Quotes - Me, Again

This quote fue agregado por snarkster
This system is stupid. It keeps telling me the quote already exist in the database. I highly doubt that someone has typed the exact same words that I have entered into the prompt.

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sgann001 90.84 98.4%
user78528 87.77 90.9%
data2342 87.61 96.8%
tsong103 81.31 91.8%
iltranscendent 79.50 92.7%
mgraham 73.14 91.3%
peppi 70.33 95.7%
mboersig 69.12 97.8%
soaps 64.22 95.2%

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user101623 47.97 96.2%
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user78528 87.77 90.9%
moonsword20 53.02 89.1%
soaps 64.22 95.2%