Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine - Gail Honeyman

This quote fue agregado por user95298
If someone asks you how you are, you are meant to say FINE. You are not meant to say that you cried yourself to sleep last night because you hadn't spoken to another person for two consecutive days. FINE is what you say.

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alkos 17 horas, 21 minutos atrás
The way I started typing this and for a sec thought it was gonna be that Kim Kardashian clip lmfao
hiramisu 1 mes, 3 semanas atrás
That is such a mood, I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to just break down and rant to the grocery store cashier lmao

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name_999 143.01 99.5%
hiramisu 142.36 97.8%

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