How to change someone's mind. - Anonymous

This quote fue agregado por elombitakola
As long as someone is not lying, there are right. If two persons are saying two contradictory ideas, they are both right. What we need to realize is that the information used to form those two conflicting opinions are not the same. So instead of proving someone wrong, we should understand how they form those opinions and provide more information so that they could form a new opinion.

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bigbutt2020 3 años, 2 meses atrás
I don't agree with the initial statement. Just because someone is not lying does not mean they are right. They may just be ignorant reality. I do agree fully with trying to see from someone else's perspective and to understand how they came to their conclusion. And with providing more info, but just because you aren't lying because you don't have the info doesn't make you right. Not at all.

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