fast as buck foy - general

This quote fue agregado por itmeboii
As easy as it is to know that we will all die one day, some people just can't understand that it is in our nature and no matter how much we try to delay it, it will catch up to us one day or another.

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o simplemente dejar un comentario:

wanna_be_typist 1 año, 8 meses atrás
probably she belongs in the people that doesn't understand that...
uhlexseeuh 2 años atrás
^why are you booing him, he's right?"
kiriiya 3 años, 5 meses atrás
Is this your attempt at saying something 'deep?'

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typin_ 180.43 98.5%
user871724 172.51 99.5%
asianontheinside 167.81 100%
restspeaker 161.30 100%
gbzaid 160.47 97.1%
berryberryberry 159.65 94.4%
user491757 159.53 100%
h7all 156.58 100%
penguino_beano 155.71 99.0%
toinfinity 153.94 97.5%

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user108344 20.54 91.3%
jacqueline1234 93.60 90.9%
somerandomppl 100.32 96.6%