No fancy symbols - 69420

This quote fue agregado por amwpbmmom
I know we all hate those quotes with tons of stupid symbols making you type slower, they suck. This is an easy quote with no quotations and stuff, no numbers or anything.

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Nombre PPM Precisión
mafuso 109.09 95.0%
blacjack 77.74 96.6%
user97765 70.71 96.0%
mobiusspace 63.19 96.0%
bob-42. 55.92 87.2%
user640504 50.01 96.1%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
user97765 70.71 96.0%
mafuso 109.09 95.0%
bob-42. 55.92 87.2%
user640504 50.01 96.1%
mobiusspace 63.19 96.0%
blacjack 77.74 96.6%