User's Thoughts - edywardy

This quote fue agregado por hohen13
I never thought that typing can be so therapeutic. Discovering this site helps me a lot to improve, not only on typing, but also on my mental health. It preoccupied my thoughts from nightmares I'd wished to forget. It enliven my soul with all the inspirational practice quotes I get to type in much enjoyment and discovering familiar quotes from my favorite authors or characters just makes me very happy.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
theprivateeye 106.64 93.8%
hellawildtyper 61.53 93.8%
janetta64 61.23 98.8%
swatkhan 59.94 96.2%
machinist80 54.22 88.9%
kenete0820 50.38 93.6%
alisia_pedrin 35.57 89.5%
qqcutie123.. 30.17 72.4%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
hellawildtyper 61.53 93.8%
alisia_pedrin 35.57 89.5%
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machinist80 53.12 86.4%
theprivateeye 106.64 93.8%
qqcutie123.. 30.17 72.4%
janetta64 61.23 98.8%
machinist80 54.22 88.9%