My Random Quote - Myself

This quote fue agregado por rossgshaffer
This is my random quote. I am writing this quote because I want to add a quote. This quote has no meaning and I suppose you're getting tired of typing "quote" this often. Now I will no longer say this word to end your suffering. I know when the same word pops up over and over again in the same... uhhh... block of text, it gets quite old and my fingers begin to lock up.

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rossgshaffer 109.47 96.4%
addabon 94.66 97.4%
kmeyer9 53.14 89.0%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
rossgshaffer 109.47 96.4%
rossgshaffer 104.43 95.1%
addabon 94.66 97.4%
kmeyer9 53.14 89.0%