Thumb hurdles - bvw the great

This quote fue agregado por bvw
Broke my right thumb once I hit 60 wpm. So, that's good. Nothing to do with learning to type as fast as a middle schooler. Another hurdle to work to get over. Hurdles are valuable. We don't live in Flatland.

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user835187 125.96 100%
geryjs 119.05 100%
kensmom825 101.03 99.5%
noasky 85.05 94.5%
jellyvanessa 82.17 90.4%
miaka 67.40 98.1%
user99773 66.09 96.3%
joseimperial 63.57 96.7%
ibbysileo 54.97 87.7%
shockwave 51.62 94.1%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
noasky 85.05 94.5%
ibbysileo 54.97 87.7%
user835187 125.96 100%
geryjs 119.05 100%
kensmom825 101.03 99.5%
shockwave 51.62 94.1%
user99773 66.09 96.3%
joseimperial 63.57 96.7%