Get Good Gaming - Your Mother

This quote fue agregado por slspeed
If you practice a lot, you can achieve anything. I have done so with everything I care for, and as a result, I am proficient in many things, proving useful for as long as I live. Also, get good gaming because we have got to get Sponge Bob back.

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mumma 4 años atrás
It appears as though you're not 'proficient' in your use of the English language. The second 'sentence' is not a complete sentence - it should be linked to the first sentence (to which it refers/has a relationship) by way of a semi-colon

Also...'get good gaming'? Really? That doesn't make sense. Do you mean 'get good at gaming'?

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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