Typing Isn't a Waste of Time - Anonymous

This quote fue agregado por tedwom
There are a few people on here that make quotes about how their job is boring or they don't want to do work, so they come onto this site to type quotes and waste their time. I don't think that typing is a waste of time, because if you're typing to improve your WPM, then it's not a waste of time, it's practice. Athletes don't practice and call it a waste of time. To get good at something, you have to practice, and it isn't a waste of time because each time you get better and better.

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user871724 180.54 99.4%
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marinate 127.85 98.0%
iltranscendent 126.02 96.6%
need_4_speed 116.83 94.4%
kvxome 115.41 96.4%
kyle_w 113.30 95.3%
jacqueline1234 111.36 94.9%

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afminto 93.99 93.3%
user111093 25.77 84.9%
galaxy.speck. 67.32 95.1%