Hello Out There - Someone

This quote fue agregado por potatoalien
Hello, people of the earth. This is an alien typing to you from another planet. I don't know who or what you guys are, or how you even know the same language as us, but here we are. Together as one.

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stephends 1 año, 9 meses atrás
Can our species cross-breed? I need it for research purposes.
user89490 3 años, 5 meses atrás
tell us if you need anything...we can get you out from Area 51 if you want
divine_. 4 años atrás
gay ass quote

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srm 147.85 100%
zhang 147.33 97.5%
alex_orr 147.27 100%
kenneth27 146.22 98.0%

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