QWERTY - Hakima B.

This quote fue agregado por madamebutterfly
Who invented and started the idea of QWERTY and why? What if all the letters on a keyboard were in alphabetical order? Would typing be the same? It sounds awkward right now, but if that's how it was, we would think of the idea of the QWERTY keyboard as insane and abnormal.

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chrisgerrby 4 años, 2 meses atrás
Yep. QWERTY was made for the earliest kind of typewriter to not jam up while typing.
user79597 4 años, 4 meses atrás
They tried it and it had so many mechanical problems when they were typing on keyboards and the like that they went to a different layout. There are other layouts that make more "Sense" for "number of key strokes" but this is what mechanically worked for type writers.
user79597 4 años, 4 meses atrás
They tried it and it had so many mechanical problems when they were typing on keyboards and the like that they went to a different layout. There are other layouts that make more "Sense" for "number of key strokes" but this is what mechanically worked for type writers.

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