"Water Under the Bridge" (part 1) - Sleepsculptor

This quote fue agregado por space_cadet
My past reflecting through my eyes, I'm about to jump this bridge, so tell me as to why I shouldn't. This life is static; robotic; going nowhere; abeyant; in my head, going nowhere, and it's driving me mad. Lights flash by my eyes, but I won't sympathize with myself anymore. I'm sick with a skewed view; I can't handle it consuming what's left of my time. Calcified over time into something valueless; anchored by this burden I keep - take it from me; take it all.

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weesin 4 años, 7 meses atrás
Manage yourself buddy. Your apparent inability to confidently type 'colons' does not justify your verbally abusing a complete stranger. Also, perhaps you should actually know what a colon is before you curse someone for their use of them - there aren't any colons in this quote - there are semicolons, but no colons
curtyuiop 4 años, 7 meses atrás
Fuck you with your stinky colon;

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