Beta Story - Simpleflips

This quote fue agregado por okitisitsit
1, 2, oatmeal Kirby is a pink guy Because Kirby is very cute Kirby inhaled his enemies, and make it later Kirby is so happy that something he can Because he's such a pink guy Here comes Kirby Meta Knight to protect Because he is attacked by King Dedede Meta Knight swings the sword of King Dedede defeat What a triumph is that!

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weesin 4 años, 8 meses atrás
This is absolute garbage
okitisitsit 4 años, 8 meses atrás
1, 2, oatmeal
Kirby is a pink guy
Because Kirby is very cute

Kirby inhaled his enemies, and make it later
Kirby is so happy that something he can
Because he's such a pink guy

Here comes Kirby Meta Knight to protect
Because he is attacked by King Dedede
Meta Knight swings the sword of King Dedede defeat
What a triumph is that!

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