National Alliance

This quote fue agregado por user543010
Those races which evolved in the more demanding environment of the North, where surviving a winter required planning and self-discipline, advance more rapidly in the development of the higher mental faculties than those which remained in the unvarying climate of the tropics.

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simplysam_03 1 semana, 4 días atrás
In the tropics come creatures and plants that would kill someone from the North. Surviving the rainy seasons, overbearing heat, identifying deadly plants, river creatures that could eat you alive, requires self-discipline and mental abilities that other regions cannot grasp.
It is apparent that your "region" has limited your knowledge of the ability of other regions.
oswald_dimbulb 1 semana, 6 días atrás
Just the phrase "unvarying climate of the tropics" shows how colossally ignorant the speaker is.
weesin 4 años, 10 meses atrás
This is disgusting nazi speak. Take your ignorance and hatred somewhere else

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