Note to Thyself - PG - Anonymous

This quote fue agregado por tbwp
If I don't change today, I will be on the same page five or ten years from now. If I don't change today, I will still be wondering about the "What if's" and "Should have been's" five or ten years from now. If I don't change today, my life will be the same. Waking up with the same neighborhood, putting the same clothes, going to work with the same job, working with the same negative people.

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weesin 5 años, 7 meses atrás
you have typed "if's" when you should have typed "ifs". You have also typed "been's" instead of 'beens'. You have also typed "putting the same clothes" when you should have typed "putting on the same clothes" or "putting the same clothes on". Also, you have typed "waking up with the same neighborhood" when "waking up in the same neighborhood' sounds better. You have also typed "going to work with the same job" when "going to work at the the same job" sounds better.

I would suggest editing your quotes prior to submitting them

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