Change - Anonymous

This quote fue agregado por tbwp
If you change your thinking then you will change your actions, and if you change your actions, then you are going to change your results. If you are going to win a battle, you must ensure that the mind controls the body. Never the other way around.

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bcurty32 2 años, 7 meses atrás
New PB of 107 WPM at 99.2% accuracy. Thanks!
promethes 3 años, 7 meses atrás
new PB: 145.56 WPM! wonderful quote XD

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sil 165.62 97.7%
stillow2 165.35 100%
69buttpractice 164.99 100%
name_999 162.65 100%
user64764 161.09 98.8%

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