Cognitive Dissonance - Christopher Hitchens

This quote fue agregado por alansgirl1
The only position that leaves me with no cognitive dissonance is atheism. It is not a creed. Death is certain, replacing both the siren-song of paradise and the dread of hell. Life on this earth, with all its mystery and beauty and pain, is then to be lived far more intensely; we stumble and get up, we are sad, confident, insecure, feel loneliness and joy and love. There is nothing more; but I want nothing more.

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ra3man 10 años, 3 meses atrás
As a Christian, we have a hope that is secure. No amount of loneliness, sadness or stumbling can take that hope away from us. We enjoy the pleasures of life if not to a larger extent, knowing that we have a purpose beyond the grave and value greater than we can comprehend. Ultimately, it is your choice what to believe.
wariyos 10 años, 10 meses atrás
If there is nothing more that means we are nothing more than animals..
they are sad, confident, insecure, feel loneliness and joy and love.

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