The Two Bestfriend's - Unknown

This quote fue agregado por alexa2028
Once upon a time, in a classroom, there was a girl named Alexa who was sitting at her desk doing some typing test. A few minutes pass by and a very glamorous new girl came into the classroom. The new girl was named Cassidy. Cassidy walked through the classroom and sat right next to Alexa. They talked and got to know each other. Years later they are seniors and they are close like ever. They go to Starbucks every morning before school and try new drinks. They are known to be Starbucks Queens.

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weesin 5 años, 3 meses atrás
a little sloppily written

"a few minutes pass by and a very glamorous new girl came into the classroom"'re mixing up tenses here. Should be "a few minutes passed by and a very glamorous new girl came into the classroom"

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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