The High Elves - J. R. R. Tolkien

This quote fue agregado por sandsotrm097
The hobbits sat in the shadow by the wayside. Before long the Elves came down the lane towards the valley. They passed slowly, and the hobbits could see the starlight glimmering on their hair and in their eyes. They bore no lights, yet as they walked a shimmer, like the light of the moon above the rim of hills before it rises, seemed to fall about their feet. They were now silent, and as the last Elf passed he turned and looked towards the hobbits and laughed.

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dynamon 11 años, 9 meses atrás
I added a period where I thought there should be one.
dynamon 11 años, 9 meses atrás
I added a period where I thought there should be one.
umvard 12 años, 1 mes atrás
Why did he laugh? Does anyone recall?

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