Christmas - Michael Scott

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Presents are the best way to show someone how much you care. It's like this tangible thing that you can point to and say, "Hey, man, I love you this many dollars worth."

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ydydydyd 4 años, 2 meses atrás
weesin 5 años, 10 meses atrás
So what exactly was the point of re-posting my comment as your own @ezfrags_1w_101?
ezfrags_1w_lol 5 años, 10 meses atrás
Great quote from The Office. My kids and I love this show and know it inside and out.

Funny story...when my kids presented me with a new tablet this year for Christmas, they handed it to me and said, collectively, "we love you this many dollars worth". I almost peed my pants laughing
weesin 5 años, 12 meses atrás
Great quote from The Office. My kids and I love this show and know it inside and out.

Funny story...when my kids presented me with a new tablet this year for Christmas, they handed it to me and said, collectively, "we love you this many dollars worth". I almost peed my pants laughing

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