War is pointless (Happydiamo) - Happydiamo (Subscribe to my Youtube channel)

This quote fue agregado por happdiamo
War is pointless. It is very simple why. Many lives are lost and we never gain, but lose talented people and we are harming mother earth when we throw down atomic bombs and nukes. We will never want another world war or our world will again, be thrown into chaos.

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weesin 5 años, 3 meses atrás
Agreed! This is a very naive quote that is very poorly written....not a good way to drum up interest for his/her youtube channel....
doesntmatter 5 años, 3 meses atrás
This is crap. War isn't pointless. It's a terrible thing that must happen sometimes. What about when there is evil in the world? Are we meant to do nothing? Read some books dude. This is goofy. Also, your grammar sucks.

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