Be my savior - wrrr

This quote fue agregado por user890176
You make my world shine like a diamond. You cover my whole body in gold. Never know how I feel, I feel bold. No one know you look at me like a mold. You always say its better. But I don't have a tongue to say never I need a savior . Who can correct your behavior? Who will be my savior? To say I'm not a gold digger!

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user87435 3 años, 2 meses atrás
You make my world shine like a diamond. You cover my whole body in gold. Never know how I feel, I feel bold. No one knows you look at me like a mold. You always say it's better. But I don't have a tongue to say never I need a savior. Who can correct your behavior? Who will be my savior? To say I'm not a gold digger!
weesin 5 años, 7 meses atrás
The grammar in this quote is ATROCIOUS! Looks like it was written by a child.

If you can't write English properly, maybe don't post quotes

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