
This quote fue agregado por starlites06
There are a multitude of things that are crucial for me to live by. One of them is: Do not judge anyone ever. Not for any reason. I know plenty of people are going through some difficult things. Things that their friends and family don't have any idea about. So think of it this way: If you were that person, would you want to feel judgement on top of all the pain and hurt you already feel? Because if you would, then proceed to judge them. But everyone will know you're a liar.

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brandencan 4 años, 8 meses atrás
I can't help but agree with the previous comments. I would append only by presenting a personal twist. I prefer the phraseology to clarify meaning, not present absolute upon absolute, i.e. "DO NOT judge ANYone EVER. Not for ANY reason." This is extremely limiting and will force you to judge others as "having failed" who fail to live this credo.

So, my personal twist, is something along the lines of "Avoid passing final judgement." I hope I've expounded my point well enough that this distinction needs no explanation.
weesin 4 años, 8 meses atrás
Great comment @bvm. We all judge. It's human nature. And some people absolutely deserve to be judged - and harshly!
bvw 4 años, 8 meses atrás
Interesting, but immature sentiment and reasoning. Very much so! Is that a judgement I am making -- it sure as heck is! But the whole piece is shattered in it's own words, in the last sentence which is a reprehensible judgement of others. It's a bad eyed judgement to call so many a liar! A mature person knows (1) we always judge, judging is actually the core linchpin of perception. Each perception is a judgement of some sort. (2) Judgements come in many degrees and strengths. We like very much to avoid harsh judgements, and we must train to have the good eyes and heart to make GOOD judgements. That is not easy, for it takes discernment, which itself is judgement.
weesin 5 años, 4 meses atrás
you have an error in your "quote"

In the second last sentence, you have typed the word "than" when you should have typed the word "then"

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