Self-Respect - Stefan Molyneux

This quote fue agregado por cryobolt
Self-respect is really something you have to fight for; it's like health - it does not just happen to you; you have to take active steps to have pride in yourself. There's no greater gift to yourself than acting in a courageous, moral manner against vicious and immoral people.

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bvw 5 años, 3 meses atrás
Lovely advice. Yet... There are other equally magnificent ways for you to gift yourself besides opposing and combatting vicious and immoral people. Most people shound not venture into that arena for any appreaciable time. It is dangerous at so many levels. First principle: all is from God. Don't make a false god of yourself, but do the best you can to be beloved of God. Use your own unique set of being and being attributes -- the skills and things you have the most good way possible. Let those who have the strength and learning take on the battle in the fields. For most people learning more, task skill, social skill and moral learning are greater places to spend your precious gift, most precious gift, of time and being.

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