Typing on a phone - Patrick B

This quote fue agregado por pats_iphone
When you first begin typing it is always a challenge, but typing on a mobile device without auto correction is even more difficult. If you want to improve your typing on a mobile device, try this website from your mobile browser. It works so well!

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Nombre PPM Precisión
davidmansilla 104.47 98.0%
user851491 98.44 94.7%
jedimaster 87.44 93.2%
mythnus 86.44 95.7%
neumnotele 86.40 97.2%
rkoh 84.50 96.5%
shyhamhalder 82.99 90.1%
reasonablereason 82.19 98.8%
memory_allocation 81.49 92.5%
lixisquid 77.16 96.9%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
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memory_allocation 81.49 92.5%
shyhamhalder 82.99 90.1%
armchairedward 55.54 84.9%
davidmansilla 104.47 98.0%