Typing test rules - www.keyhero.com

This quote fue agregado por urthurao
If you do NOT fix the errors, a penalty will be added to your final WPM score. To fix the errors, press the backspace key. The timer starts when you start typing. However, if you wait more than 3 seconds, the timer starts anyway. Get rid of the quotes you don't like. Rate quotes. Quotes with a score below 2.5 stars won't show up in the game.

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Tasa de esta cita:
2.6 out of 5 based on 25 ratings.

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Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

Score (PPM) la distribución de esta cita. Más.

Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
wolfram 139.90 97.2%
marchtoglory 116.26 94.0%
strikeemblem 107.22 98%
hiramisu 106.74 96.3%
kicko 104.00 95.8%
ashwinr136 102.11 96.6%
jezpher 99.75 91.7%
kaiserpepper 98.35 92.7%
dante-didit 97.35 97.4%
user83344 97.24 98.8%

Recientemente para

Nombre PPM Precisión
frankie-stein 26.38 93.5%
maple417 33.37 82.1%
user730610 56.69 99.1%
magesh 87.44 92.2%
acer1976 47.49 97.7%
user79004 60.30 94.2%
mkhan3102 69.22 97.4%
falsesu 62.54 96.6%