My life thought - Jim Rohn

This quote fue agregado por user551457
You are the average of the five people with whom you spend most of your time. Make sure that you choose those five people really carefully and wisely.

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liam3 4 años, 8 meses atrás
"WITH whom you spend your time WITH"
kumagai 6 años, 10 meses atrás
Jim Rohn said this
triuly 7 años atrás
this was the first quote i typed at 100+ wpm with 100% accuracy

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user871724 194.51 100%
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u557051 165.21 95.7%
jiggalee 164.04 97.4%
jpadtyping 154.96 99.4%
suikacider 154.11 96.2%
jakob14941 151.52 100%
missarkansas 151.51 99.4%
hunterz1200 149.12 96.9%
zman 148.29 99.4%

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user111413 55.94 96.8%
user110301 92.65 90.4%
tommyphantom 95.68 89.3%