Arnie Kozak

This quote fue agregado por daball
There is nothing wrong with introversion, yet living in an extrovert-dominated culture can make you question your strengths as an introvert. You may find yourself out of balance trying to keep up with the extroverted pace of life. You may have lost touch with your values of quiet, solitude, and depth. The time has come for this culture to embrace the quiet strengths of introverts.

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winchester2 3 años, 11 meses atrás
I disagree. Being an deeply introverted person, I used to think the culture was "extrovert-dominated." Since then, I know now that the culture is more evenly balanced between extroverts and introverts and there are a significant number of introverts who are just better at balancing their their exposure. Once I stopped being negative, I started doing a lot better.

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