Words Per Minute - Wikipedia

This quote fue agregado por gourdofdeath
Words per minute (WPM) is a measure of typing speed, commonly used in recruitment. For the purposes of WPM measurement a word is standardized to five characters or keystrokes. Therefore, "brown" counts as one word, but "accounted" counts as two.

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Nombre PPM Precisión
kenneth27 96.48 98%
dante-didit 90.18 97.6%
kicko 87.41 96.1%
petrolfume 83.06 93.5%
violetdaisy 80.41 98.4%
matrixx 79.35 94.2%
acg_w 77.82 93.9%
trig 76.70 91.8%
trishadgk 72.77 87.2%
elpatrongarcia 71.15 94.3%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
user109475 33.83 95.7%
kicko 87.41 96.1%
dante-didit 90.18 97.6%
suru 28.39 85.7%
kenneth27 96.48 98%
dante-didit 85.34 97.2%
han-yolo 34.70 92.9%
petrolfume 83.06 93.5%