Words of wisdom - Andrew Hope

This quote fue agregado por aj2501
If you live your life in fear, it will be full of regret. You should always be willing to take the risk; if you're not willing to take a risk, you will always be destined to fail. Always remember to enjoy the little things; they're the memories that make us happy in times of darkness.

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bvw 5 años, 6 meses atrás
Maudlin, as if falling off the swollen and burbling lips of a dissolute liftetime drunkard.

Saccharine, mawkish. Feeble and weak from a liftime of dissolution. Parrot-talk.

Be human. Be YOU, not some mawkish drunkard spouting tripe at the end of his days.

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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