One Piece - Silver Rayleigh

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It was about 10 years ago... I encountered him by chance on this island... He'd lost his trademark straw hat and his left arm. When I asked him why, he excitedly started telling me about you. "Rayleigh-san, I was really surprised... There was a kid in East Blue who said the exact same thing Captain Roger said. Those exact same words as the captain!"

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zebedi201 5 años, 4 meses atrás
It was about 10 years ago... I encountered him by chance on this island... He'd lost his trademark straw hat and his left arm. When I asked him why, he excitedly started telling me about you. "Rayleigh-san, I was really surprised... There was a kid in East Blue who said the exact same thing Captain Roger said. Those exact same words as the captain!"

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