Purple - MandoPony

This quote fue agregado por jeff---------
I've done some things in my life that you may think are crazy. A little different from the rest, I get my pleasure from the pain. I've got some ghosts who follow me, and you may think that's crazy, but in the night I know I feel alright. Well I see spirits all around me as I try to understand what makes me do the things I do to everyone around me. And I bet you never knew that I could have regrets for all the things that make you see red... But all I see is purple instead.

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weesin 5 años, 5 meses atrás
Why can people not understand that you're not allowed to post song lyrics to this site?

And if you're going to break the rules, at least break them because you're posting some good lyrics....this is garbage! Sung by a garbage singer!

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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