This quote fue agregado por purushottam
I think Joy sleeps in strange places. We're always looking for her in shiny, happy, fun times, assuming that Joy prefers her twin brother, Pleasure, when she often hangs out with her somewhat stoic big sister, Strength. Joy is not always easy to recognize, dirt-smudged and sweating, brambles in her hair. I want to believe she sometimes wears a ski mask.

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huma.bari 4 años, 5 meses atrás
I think jay sleeps in strange places. We are always looking for her in shiny, happy, fun times, assuming that joy prefers her twin brother, pleasure, when she often hangs out with her somewhat stoic sister, Strength. Joy is not always easy to recognize, dirt-smudged and sweating, brambles in her hair. I want to believe she sometimes wears a ski mask.

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