life - Faith Parker

This quote fue agregado por imthesneaky
Life is like a dark cave, a mystery till you reach the end. But you have to look around and search through the cave before the cave fully becomes the end.

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snarfbot 6 años, 5 meses atrás
is this supposed to be inspirational? its so dumb. I got a little passage of my own its called "Faith Parker is dumb" it goes like this:

My name is Faith Parker I have never seen a cave in my life. There's lots of things I've never seen but I compare them to life and stuff anyway because I like similes, they make something meaningless sound profound.
user63904 8 años, 5 meses atrás
Y is this NA?
skyerjohnso565 8 años, 5 meses atrás
Yes i do think that life is like a dark cave

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