Equestrian Wasteland - Kkat_

This quote fue agregado por suclearnub
This was different. A cool air, quite unlike anything within the Stable, tickled my coat and chilled my skin beneath. It bore smells that were dank and rotting, dusty and alien. I could hear the sounds of night insects, creaking of wood and a far-off sloshing... but I was struck more by what I couldn't hear - the constant low hum of the Stable's generator's and the ever-present high whine of the lights were gone - so powerful in their absence that I first mistook the outside as silent.

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dvorakdan 8 años, 2 meses atrás
This is just really bad writing, which makes typing it all the more harder. Why is stable capitalized? Ok, stable's, good use of an apostrophe, but, generator's, I think you mean more than one, generators.

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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