Korosensei - Assassination Classroom

This quote fue agregado por auyongcw
Tests are a good thing. The knowledge gained from a night of cramming will be all but forgotten once you hit adulthood. And that's fine. The experience you gain through competition, having sharpened your skills and broadened your minds all under the same set of rules? That's the real treasure.

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yhunl 7 años, 6 meses atrás
Damn. My hands were really heavy while typing this test from the emotion this quote set in. Korosensei will never be forgotten.

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
user871724 157.99 98%
u557051 142.53 97.7%
geoffhuang1 141.17 98.3%
treemeister 137.53 96.1%
flywithawayme 136.65 98.7%
vmlm 136.40 98%
ablaeido 133.47 99.3%
wolfram 133.11 95.8%
samuraininja 132.95 94.2%
stormspirit97 131.73 96.4%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
sadiqul_02 66.75 94.2%
user871724 157.99 98%
jezpher 86.93 87.5%
bryophyteman 56.29 90.5%
user104582 93.07 96.1%
user963425 44.49 95.8%
user338043 76.13 99.0%
sitesh_kumar 57.58 88.3%