Crear tu propia Prueba de Mecanografía


Cada párrafo será una prueba.

Use esta opción si usted desea compartir esta prueba (sólo para usuarios autenticados).

Use this form to create a typing test with the text of your choice. Each paragraph of the text will be a separate typing test. Once a paragraph is completed, the next paragraph will be used.

If you finish typing all the text you provided, the tests will start with the first paragraph you have provided.

All the stats of the custom typing tests are not saved, even if you are a registered user. Every time you start a custom typing test, the stats charts will be empty. Your speed will not be recorded in the high score table.

This type of typing test is perfect for schools. If you are a teacher and your want to prepare a typing lesson for your student, you can create one here and then send the page to your students. They will each be able to work on the text you have provided. If you are looking for a more complete solution, with lessons and monitoring of each student progress, try Typing School.

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