Rango | 31238 / 334324 |
Número de juegos | 647 |
Best game | 99.05 |
Las últimas velocidades promedio de los últimos juegos |
76.99 |
Velocidad antiguas promedio de los primeros juegos |
82.73 |
Mejor velocidad | 68.95 |
Ultima precisión promedio de los últimos juegos |
96.57% |
Vieja precisión promedio de los primeros juegos |
97.21% |
Stephen Chbosky | 82.61 | 95.2% | 1 hora, 14 minutos atrás |
Stephen King | 72.74 | 94.9% | 1 hora, 15 minutos atrás |
Callie Torres | 76.05 | 97.0% | 4 horas, 56 minutos atrás |
No author | 81.55 | 96.3% | 4 horas, 58 minutos atrás |
Albert Einstein | 83.68 | 97.5% | 4 horas, 59 minutos atrás |
Su Wang | 71.77 | 98.5% | 5 horas atrás |
Andy Weir | 66.97 | 96% | 5 horas, 2 minutos atrás |
Montesquieu | 81.98 | 97.0% | 5 horas, 3 minutos atrás |
Hay Vannak golden age | 72.66 | 97.8% | 12 horas, 13 minutos atrás |
Ray Bradbury | 79.88 | 95.5% | 12 horas, 14 minutos atrás |
too silly, (and clumsy), to type. lol Anyways, if you're reading this, "Have a good day" and "wishing you great typing sessions in the future!!!", simple positivity, is always nice and kind :D or, I'm just a bit naive I guess. haha On the desktop, I use: * Aqirys Adara Mini - "a mechanical kbd" Other typing socials: * https://www.keybr.com/profile/c3zzrdl For offline typing, I use: typioca, ttyper, and smassh. I mostly use typioca. but other options are great either way! :3 If you notice a drop in the graph, it's probably because I either, "switched to a different kbd layout", or "changed the language English, to Romanian" — (right now, I'm always on Graphite... 20 wpm to — above, all the tests done there.) for the experience so far, I do like Graphite. it really does feel the improvements that it comes with, while QWERTY is just way more unoptimized. I can type my first name faster than QWERTY :P. so, that's really cool, and so I'll continue to improve my Graphite skills. :D so my story with Graphite: I did first try Graphite around a year ago almost, but I never continued after a month or two. and while I got faster... it was only around a couple of letters that I was able to type fast, and when I made keybr to make the letters to appear more—I got way slower at typing, and I was somewhat discouraged. got around maybe... 50-60 WPM from a couple of unlocked letters, to 20 WPM that had a lot more letters. So I continued to use QWERTY that I was used to (around 80-90 WPM). but recently (around early-ish December 2024), I thought to myself that... "why not try Graphite a bit, and see if I like it". so of course, I typed slow at 18 wpm lol—and then it quickly gathered up way higher performance than I thought I was able to. which was kinda amazing to think about that :P and sure, I didn't start Graphite from scratch, but it was amazing to look at a higher speed—and a somewhat consistent accuracy. :3 |
Último inicio de sesión | 5 horas, 3 minutos atrás |
Fecha de ingreso | 1 mes, 1 semana atrás |
Teclado / Ordenador Portátil | WASDkeyboard |
Asignación de teclado | Other |
Uso de la computadora | Too many horas / día |
Citas | 0 |