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This quote hits so hard.

Anders Thomas Jensen
Einstein no ganó el premio Nobel por la teoría de la relatividad, fué por el …

Eyedea & Abilities
Added basic punctuation

Anxiety can be as stifling as a broken leg. However, all things being equal, a …


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Phi Sigma Kappa - Phi Sigma Kappa Creed
In the firm conviction that my Fraternity demands of me a life of Faith and Purpose. I hereby solemnly declare My Faith in the wisdom and love of God; in the dignity and worth of my fellowmen; in the strength and beauty of true Fraternity; in the history and future of my Country; and in the traditions and program of my Alma Mater. Henceforward, therefore, it shall be My Purpose to remain forever true to this, my fraternity's faith in me and in turn to preserve and promote courageously and unse.