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You've perfectly described the word 'sonder' - the profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including …

Icy L.T.
How can one say "Live, laugh, and love" then immediately follow with "Be different"? That …

bruisedhedonist, periods are supposed to be in quotations.

"our" not "are". stay in school.

Think like an entitled child that wants to stay at home in bed with their …


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Chuck Palahniuk
If you knew that your life was merely a phase or short, short segment of your entire existence, how would you live? Knowing nothing 'real' was at risk, what would you do? You'd live a gigantic, bold, fun, dazzling life. You know you would. That's what the ghosts want us to do - all the exciting things they no longer can.

Dead Man
Look out the window. And doesn't this remind you of when you were in the boat, and then later that night, you were lying, looking up at the ceiling, and the water in your head was not dissimilar from the landscape, and you think to yourself, "Why is it that the landscape is moving, but the boat is still?"