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FUN! So hard that somehow *I* got the high score! LOL

No one
I charted for the first time on this quote! :D 112.14, 99.4%. <3 <3 :D …

I like this quote. Being the smartest person in the room doesn't mean anything really, …

I was half-expecting a misspelled word somewhere in there ;3 oh well! Valuable advice nevertheless, …

Ruta Sepetys
this book was so good


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Steven & Fleix - Competitive Programming
I should say in a simple word that with the UVa Site, you have given birth to a new CIVILIZATION and with the books you write (he meant "Programming Challenges: The Programming Contest Traning Manual" (60), co-authored with Steven Skiena), you inspire the soldiers to carry on marching. May you live long to serve humanity by producing super-human programmers.