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Alex Fletcher
Not sure the point of novels is to make you "feel good."

charli chapline
This quote must be in great shape with all that cardio.

Second law of thermodynamics - Wikipedia
What the hell is this

Children's Book
This hat is my hat. That hat is your hat. These gloves are my gloves. …

based on a course I am studying
I'd love to tell you more, but I don't really understand what you mean by …


alyheta's cotizaciones

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David Jacoby - Spiritual Jokes
Give God what's right - not what's left. * "Pray" is a four-letter word you can say anywhere - except in public schools. * A lot of kneeling will keep you in good standing. * He who kneels before God can stand before anyone. * To be almost saved is to be totally lost. * In the sentence of life, the devil may be a comma - but never let him be the period. * Don't put a question mark where God puts a period.

Alyheta - A Tutor who tooted the flute!
Te ti ta to. Te ti ta to. A tutor who tooted the flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot. Said the two to the tutor " Is it harder to toot, or to tutor two tooters to toot?"