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Allen Downey
Eco friendly wood veneers?

Kenzie Sauer
A fundamental misunderstanding of depression.

Brenda Shaughnessy
Well you can actually make it go slower than 1 second per second if you …

changed eve to even

Some Disney Princess
I swear, didn't that happen to the Mongolian Empire lol


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Shirley Jackson - Journeys end - The Haunting of Hill House
Journeys end in lovers meeting; I have spent an all but sleepless night, I have told lies and made a fool of myself, and the very air tastes like wine. I have been frightened half out of my foolish wits but I have somehow earned this joy; I have been waiting for it for so long.

Shirley Jackson - Fear - The Haunting of Hill House
Fear," the doctor said, "is the relinquishment of logic, the willing relinquishing of reasonable patterns. We yield to it or we fight it, but we cannot meet it halfway.