Rank | 137369 / 333750 |
Number of games | 1057 |
Best game | 70.32 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
47.85 |
Old speed average of the first games |
36.71 |
All time speed | 46.26 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
88.02% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
89.38% |
Tamaki Suoh | 50.29 | 88.4% | 5 years ago |
Allanon - The Shannara Chronicles | 43.50 | 84.3% | 5 years ago |
Bill Gates | 50.61 | 86.5% | 5 years ago |
David Eddings | 31.30 | 86.8% | 5 years ago |
Alexandra Adornetto | 36.62 | 83.6% | 5 years ago |
Unknown | 33.99 | 80.6% | 5 years ago |
K.H Poems | 63.09 | 95.0% | 5 years ago |
Rinna Ogilvie | 58.35 | 91.9% | 5 years ago |
Anonymous | 53.95 | 90.4% | 5 years ago |
John Darnielle | 56.78 | 92.7% | 5 years ago |