Rank | 122454 / 333770 |
Number of games | 10 |
Best game | 55.23 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
47.34 |
Old speed average of the first games |
47.34 |
All time speed | 47.34 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
95.80% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
95.80% |
Wally | 50.58 | 96.6% | 9 years ago |
Michel Foucault | 52.24 | 96.8% | 9 years ago |
Alan Alda | 55.23 | 98.3% | 9 years ago |
House M.D. | 50.02 | 96.5% | 9 years ago |
Terry Hayes | 40.73 | 92.6% | 9 years ago |
A. Einstein, L. Infeld | 49.07 | 96.4% | 9 years ago |
Deborah Tannen | 44.25 | 94.9% | 9 years ago |
Daniel Kahneman | 43.68 | 94.1% | 9 years ago |
William R. Miller, Stephen Rollnick | 48.54 | 96.7% | 9 years ago |
Friedman Schulz von Thun | 39.04 | 95.2% | 9 years ago |